Welcome to Year 6
In Year 6, your teachers will expect a lot. You will work hard, you will be pushed but, you will have fun!
As a Year 6 pupil, you will be a role model for others, so it is important that you lead by example.
Our Year 6 Team: Miss Carden, Mrs Dawson, Mr Ma, Miss Wright and Miss Brady.
Information for Parents
Please click here for information about your child’s curriculum units for this term
Class Timetables
Please click here for Miss Carden’s timetable
Please click here for Mrs Dawson’s timetable.
PE kit consists of navy blue shorts, a sky blue polo shirt and trainers or pumps.
Year 6 have PE every Friday afternoon.
Year 6 will be swimming during the Autumn term until Christmas. Each child will need a swimming costume, towel and a swimming cap – goggles are optional.
Homework is set via Google Classroom and will also include work set on www.maths.co.uk and www.spag.com. All children have been given log in details.
Please encourage your child to read every night for at least 20 minutes, before they go to bed.