It’s been a busy afternoon looking at big and small…
It’s been a busy afternoon looking at big and small. We worked hard sorting acorns. #smithdowneyfs #smithdownmaths @MasterTheCurric
72It’s been a busy afternoon looking at big and small. We worked hard sorting acorns. #smithdowneyfs #smithdownmaths @MasterTheCurric
72In maths we are making arrangements of 1, 2 and 3 #smithdowneyfs #smithdownmaths
60Matching arrangements of objects and pictures to the correct number #smithdowneyfs #smithdownmaths
64In last week’s maths we made arrangements of 4 and ordered numbers to 4 #smithdowneyfs #smithdownmaths
60Today in maths we put objects into groups of ten and then counted them. We recognised that ten ones made a ten too. #smithdownmaths
In maths this morning we started to estimate the position of multiples of ten on a number line. #smithdownmaths
52So proud of these superstars adding in multiples of tens today #smithdownmaths
59Subtracting multiples of ten in maths #smithdownmaths
57Working hard partitioning 2 digit numbers in maths today #smithdownmaths
61On Friday Year 2 were hard at work estimating the position of numbers on a number line #smithdownmaths
61We used a range of different scales on our empty number lines. We had to place the numbers where we thought they would go. #smithdownmaths
64Year 2 were hard at work on Friday – ordering numbers #smithdownmaths
49This week we have been busy using flexible partitioning #smithdownmaths
62Year 3 had lots of fun today in maths adding and subtracting ten from a three digit number. A lot of the fun came from being able to write all over our tables! #smithdownmath
614KM were using dienes and counters to work out many different ways in which hundreds can make 1000 #smithdownmaths ???
584KM celebrated attendance week by creating their own bar graphs using the attendance percentages of the week? #smithdownmath
53#attendanceweek Calculating the mean average and presenting data in a bar chart. Points to improve: scale adjustment. #smithdownmaths
60This week we are comparing numbers and groups of objects saying which group has more than, fewer than or the same amount of objects. We have been building walls for Humpty Dumpty and saying which wall has more, fewer or the same amount of bricks.
66We have started our multiplication journey. We have been busy learning about repeated addition this week.
167Thank you to our parents who came to our Reception maths parental workshop this week! We look at how to support your children with their shape knowledge at home.
53This morning we have had lots of fun playing in our Asda supermarket. We have been writing shopping lists and paying for our food with money.
63We have created a pictogram of our favourite character from Supertato. We counted to see how many children liked Evil Pea and how many more liked Supertato.
In maths this week we are learning about how some numbers can be made up of two equal parts. We are looking at arrangements of numbers to spot and make equal and unequal parts.
33We looked at division using concrete and pictorial representations to help our understanding of the concept. We were more confident by the end of our work!
39This week we are developing our composition skills by sorting items by size, colour and shape. If you would like to have a go at this at home we would love to see this. Can you sort out some items by colour or size?
29Year 3 used their factor and shape knowledge to find equal groups of shapes with 24 lollipop sticks. 3 octagons, 8 triangles, 4 hexagons and 6 squares could be made!
38We had lots of fun for our first lesson on Money today. We recognised the value of the coins and then made lots of different amounts. The children would love to help with the money when they are next shopping with their families ☺️
26In maths this week we are looking at which numbers up to 10 are odd and which are even.
46We are munching our way threw one apple, two pears, three plums, four strawberries and five oranges ?
41We had a fantastic day at the University of Liverpool on Friday. We took part in workshops related to Maths and Science…. including sitting in mini Planetarium!
124We know the names and properties of so many 2D and 3D shapes now! Great work Year 2!
33This week year 5 have compared Liverpool to the city of Manaus in Brazil and plotted data and different style graphs.
46In Year 2 we have discovered Blooket and we can’t get enough! We’ve used it to test our times table knowledge this week (as well as lots more too.)
112Today year 3 have started their place value topic by creating numbers with counters.
What a great start to maths this week. We have made groups of ten and worked on our counting in tens.
76Today we built our own number lines. We used dienes to show the relationship between the tens and ones.
23We worked hard to place tens numbers onto a number line. We used dienes to make our number line and recognised the value of each number. We challenged our partner to place the numbers in the correct place. Good job Year 2.
24We compared multiples of ten today using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols today.
22We have a super star in Year 3 who is working hard to add within 10.
21We worked hard to partition 2 digit numbers today.
21We worked hard to place numbers on a number line. Why don’t you have a go at home on this game too.
56Today we compared 2 digit numbers using our tens and ones knowledge
14It is great to see so many children saving regularly on our lifesavers bank. Our bank tellers (helped by Miss Caraher and Miss Wilson) are doing a fabulous job.
47We are looking at groups of objects this week and which groups have more than and
16We have enjoyed working on fact families this week. We persevered and now we are doing so well. I am so proud of you all.
53This week we are comparing amounts of objects up to 10 to see which groups have more, fewer or the same.
1815Year 4 spent this morning exploring Children in Need themed problems and discussing possible answers.
This week in maths we are finding out which items are heavy, light and the lightest and the heaviest.
12Some incredible examples of extra work done at home. I have loved seeing how passionate we are about negative numbers, Olaudah Equiano and Roman numeral – keep it up, we love proudly displaying your work!
59This week in Mathematics, the children in class RJP have been focusing on sequencing. We explored the vocabulary, how ‘sequencing’ means to repeat a pattern. The children used paint to create an ‘ABBA’ pattern firstly, following the pattern, ‘red, green, red, green’. We then had lots of fun demonstrating the ‘ababab’ pattern using Christmas pictures, and designing a colourful paper-chain. To extend the learning, we explored different patterns, expanding on the number of picture cards, colours, and using shapes which have been learned previously. This helps the children problem solve sequencing in a fun way.
Why not keep up this learning at home, by asking the children to make repeated patterns using different objects.
In science today we put our ideas to the test. we either chose to either investigate if children with the longest femur could jump the highest or if the tallest children could jump the highest. We completed the post it challenge and made sure our investigation was fair.
58Today in maths we named and described the features of shapes. We went on a shape hunt and found different shapes in our playground
11After our shape hunt, we created Christmas pictures using different shapes. We talked about all the different shapes we used.
7This week in maths we are learning all about flat shapes or 2-D shapes and creating pictures using a selection of shapes.
12We took measurements of children from reception all the way to our eldest staff member! We then created a scatter graph of our results.
12We used our counting skills to make the correct amount of snowman buttons.
This week in maths we are learning all about 3-D shapes. We have been learning some 3-D shape names and trying to find real life 3-D shapes in class and outdoors. We have also been building towers using 3-D shapes and seeing how many shapes we can use to make the tallest tower. We have also been problem solving about which shapes will be the best at the top of the tower!
We used ice trays to make 3D ice shapes. We then added them to our winter tuft tray to have some messy fun!
3We ordered numbers 1-10 and found the correct numicon to match.
1Year 3 had a practical maths lesson this week which involved them exploring and making 3D shapes. We discussed the properties of each shape and learned some new vocabulary such as, vertices, edges, curved surfaces and flat faces. The children spotted where these 3D shapes can be found in real life. A Pringles tin was a popular cylinder shape in our class 🤣
6We applied our right angle and directional understanding to some worded problems.