Hello and welcome to Year 2.
Our Year 2 Team: Miss Hathaway, Miss Dudley, Mrs Carpenter, Mrs Kelly, Miss Wilson and Mrs Lawson.
In Year 2 we always try our very best and come to school ready to learn with big smiles on our faces. We ae excited for the year ahead and can’t wait to see all of the wonderful work that you produce.
Information for Parents
Please click here for our Autumn Term Overview 2023
Please click here for 2GH Timetable
Please click here for 2TD Timetable
PE kit consists of navy blue shorts or leggings, a sky blue polo shirt and trainers or pumps.
Year 2GH have PE every Wednesday.
Year 2TD have PE every Thursday.
Homework and Spellings are given every Friday.
Please encourage your child to read every night for around 5-10 minutes.
Keep up to date with our latest news by following us on X (formerly Twitter) @SmithdownPrimY2