The language offered at Smithdown Primary School is Spanish and we provide age-appropriate learning opportunities for all children in KS2.

We are very lucky to have Senorita Marina deliver our Spanish lessons to our Key Stage 2 classes.

Aims and objectives:

The aims of Primary Languages teaching at Smithdown are to:

  • Foster an interest in language learning by introducing children to other languages in a way that is enjoyable and accessible to all pupils.
  • Stimulate and encourage children’s curiosity about language and creativity in experimenting with it.
  • Support oracy and literacy, and in particular develop speaking and listening skills.
  • Help children develop their awareness of cultural similarities and differences.
  • Lay the foundations for future language study by pupils.
  • Provide an added perspective on first language teaching and learning.
  • Give an extra dimension to teaching and learning across the curriculum.

Please click on the links below for a more detail about our Spanish curriculum:

National Curriculum Language Programme of Study KS2 

Smithdown Primary School KS2 Overview for Spanish 

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MFL Chatter

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Where do you live… ( in Spanish)?


Accommodation and places today in Spanish ….

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Calligraphy with the Arabic alphabet


Today in our art lesson we looked at different examples of Arabic calligraphy and have had a go at our own.

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Celebrating differences 🌎


For our PSHE lesson we are celebrating differences. In previous weeks we have spoken about racism, bullying and rumours and now we are researching a range of countries and what their culture looks like.

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Hola! Spanish writing today


Hola! We worked on our Spanish vocabulary today …

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Spanish lesson about to begin … 🇪🇸


The topic for today includes asking and stating how old people are along with jobs and professions.

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Year 1 loved Spanish day!


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Spanish day! 🇪🇸


Amazing dancing from Year 3, everyone really got into it.

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Spanish Day!


What a great Spanish day! Red and yellow everywhere 🇪🇸. Can’t wait for food and dancing later.


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Spanish Menus


After learning about Spanish food & drink, we spent some time designing our own menus, including the prices in Euros.