Reading You Choose by Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart this week
We are enjoying You Choose by Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart this week in literacy #smithdowneyfs
58We are enjoying You Choose by Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart this week in literacy #smithdowneyfs
58Here is a link for Reception families to share the You Choose at home #smithdowneyfs
48Thank you to all parents who came along to session 2 of ourparent literacy workshop which focused on rhyme ☀️
54We retold the model text. We used picture clues to help. We are ready to write our own circular story now #smithdownwriters #smithdownreaders
60Having fun acting out our new vocabulary for English! #smithdownenglish #Y3
44What an experience! Year 3 went to a stately home to feel what one looked like and felt like. Sudley house was perfect for helping us understand our new book – Seen and not Heard. #smithdownenglish #smithdownextra
63In English, 3KM have been discussing predictions on what our new novel could be about by using colours for reference of different habitats ??? #smithdowneng #smithdownyr3
523KM have had fun using imagination to draw pictures to represent our new vocabulary for our new novel ‘Dear Earth’ ??? #smithdowneng #smithdownYr3
524KM created their own posters and acrostic poems all about attendance week⭐️ #smithdownenglish
514KM had a great morning editing their own transformation narratives in English? #smithdownenglish
49In English today, we shared ideas and generated headings and subheadings for different parts of a text. We read each section first so we could think of appropriate headings to help us summarise. #smithdownwriters
38We have started our WW2 topic by exploring who was involved, how it began and why. We made a double page spread to answer our enquiry!
We have created some beautiful poems after reading Flanders Fields and used watercolours/charcoal/pencils to create some poppy artwork to mark Remembrance Day.
230For Remembrance Day, we read the poem ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ and after discussing the content, we embellished the poem with images of poppies.
235We have thoroughly enjoyed reading Neil Gaiman’s version of Hansel and Gretel, so much so, it led us to writing our own dual narratives. We are so proud of the writing we have produced.
80This week we are learning all about chefs. This morning we had a visit from our school chef Miss Monica. We talked about her chefs outfit, the kitchen and menus. We then chose to create our own menus
This week we have been working hard with our friends to put our Supertato story pictures into the correct order.
Year 3 have been working hard on poems about #Goldilocks this World Book Day!
We have been working towards writing a Kenning Poem and today all of our hard work paid off.
30 Should Jack climb the beanstalk? We tried to persuade him and we took sides in class. We came up with some great reasons for and against the idea.
3KM had an amazing time being reporters today. They asked our ‘witness’ questions about a strange sighting he had. They then worked in groups and took turns asking and answering questions. This will help us when we come to write our own newspaper reports. 🙂
In Reception we enjoyed reusing our milk cartons to make musical shakers using natural objects outdoors.
38We have learnt all the Makaton signs for the animals in our story and then used them to retell the story.
We made our own maps of Lila’s village and used compass point directions to direct a friend around the map.
105We retold the story in teams and performed the story to our friends.
44We have had a lovely couple of days and we have started our first piece of writing – a set of instructions!
16Today we discovered treasure chests full of jigsaws in our classroom. We made the picture and looked for clues for our new class story.
69We explored new vocabulary in our new topic – Seen and not Heard. We acted out each word and drew a picture to help us remember them.
We are enjoying our new phonics groups and have worked so hard on our fluency this week.
Today we made our own maps in preparation for our instruction texts. We had to think carefully about where the gold was hidden and then give our partner instructions to find it.
27We went on a noun hunt and then acted out verbs to help us to identify the difference between the two.
23Anna and Crocodile are trying to make a sandwich. We wrote our first set of instructions and then made a sandwich to check we had included all the steps. We learned that a set of instructions needs a ‘What you need’ list and a Method.
23Fabulous turn out at our phonics meeting. Keep an eye on the app for each weeks videos and activities.
Anna and Crocodile asked us for our help today. We thought about how to make a sandwich, created some plans, made some sandwiches and of course had to taste test them! Yum yum!
65Year 3 had a great start to their first shared write of the year. We have been learning about imperative verbs, rhetorical questions, adverbs and how instructions are laid out. We put all the new skills we have been learning to the test and used them to create a set of instructions about how to be a mischievous child, based on our reading book ‘Seen and Not Heard’
Parents watch out! Your children came up with some very interesting ideas!
72In Year 6 today, we combined our learning from Geography and English by using our computer skills to present the information we have discovered into Google Sites to create our own web pages.
34After researching mountain gorillas and adaptions of animals, we have just begun to write our own explanation texts. Keep an eye out for the finished pieces.
24We simply had to share a few more pieces of work as we think they are truly fantastic! Detailed information which is extremely well presented. Great work Year 6!
30Today we have looked at different poems for national poetry day!
I used fronted adverbials, conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions and personification. ⭐️🥳
62Year 3 have been working on writing instructions in their English lessons and are working really hard to do it independently!
We are simply blown away by the writing we have recently produced. Our Year 6 classes are so invested in world issues – saving habitats and animals in particular. Have a read of some of the letters we wrote to the Rwandan Government, asking them to help protect the magnificent mountain gorillas 🦍
70Author of ‘The late crew’ Rob Ferguson came to visit our school today. Some of us were so excited to even get our books signed by a real life author! We even designed our own alien that we could use in our stories.
We found some items in our box to help us with predicting what our new class text is about.
21In English, we are starting a new book. Before the children heard the name or seen the front cover we looked at various clues and made predictions about what it could be about. The children came up with great ideas. Based on the clues, some children thought it was about an explorer who visits different parts of the world. Others thought it was about different habitats. The book will be revealed next lesson! 📜📚🌍
64Today we were very shocked to find a character from our new story had been in our classroom and made quite a mess. We made some predictions of who this character could be.
17We came back into our classroom and found that someone or something had been in there! We looked at the disaster that had been left behind and asked questions about what we thought had happened!
We found
– a globe
– a map
– broken biscuits
– teapot and cups
– footprints
and…. a lot of mess!!
68Year 3 have been working hard to identify nouns, verbs and adjectives and using them in their English work.
We really enjoyed listening to the story of The Lonely Beast. We acted out different parts of the story and retold the story to each other
20Year 4 had a fun morning creating speech and acting it out. We loved being the villainous witch and sweet, little Jub. We used macaroni to add inverted commas to our speech.
Year 4 had a fun creative morning today. They loved playing the witch and Jub. We also used macaroni to add inverted commas into our speech that we had acted out.
Yesterday we had a great time at the International Slavery Museum. We had a workshop in the ‘legacies of the transatlantic slave trade’ and then had time to explore the museum with our task sheets.
We have just started work on writing our own dual narratives, based on the characters and events in Neil Gaiman’s Hansel and Gretel. Such powerful openings! We can’t wait to get writing more, they will be incredible to read.
20This week we are writing our own twisted tale narrative. We spent this morning exploring what a good one looks like, locating features and writing our own alternative ending.
Some incredible examples of extra work done at home. I have loved seeing how passionate we are about negative numbers, Olaudah Equiano and Roman numeral – keep it up, we love proudly displaying your work!
This morning we had a Premier League workshop to tell us all about the different jobs and skills we could get that are part of football. We learnt about football journalists, authors, medics, stewards, mascots, players and coaches. We then acted out being an interviewer, interviewee and clarifier.
We really enjoyed writing these dual narratives in Year 6, we used two characters from the book we read together in lessons. We hope you enjoy reading them.
This week, the children have loved writing Christmas Card inserts to their families. They enjoyed practicing their early writing skills using the knowledge they have gained. This afternoon, they are excited to begin designing their cards…I am excited to see their creativity!
The Reception children of RAG have enjoyed listening to the marvellous Christmas story, ‘The Polar Express’. They even managed to retell the story in sequence, from start to finish, using pictures. Well done!
Our Nativity Slideshow.
Thank you all for coming to watch. We loved performing for you.
50We used role play to decide if the witch from our class text should give back the stolen happy endings. We thought of lots of reasons for and against.
We have looked through all our clues for our upcoming book… Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly. We will be discussing new vocabulary such as racism, segregation, civil rights, controversy and many more!
We have been practicing reading words and using our phonic knowledge to match the correct words to the pictures.
Before we begin writing our own diary extracts, we read and annotated a model text for language and organisational features.
2We discovered some clues to our new story today! We made predictions and discussed if the clues reminded us of any other stories too.
3Working together to gather ideas before planning our own independent write, based on our novel Pea Boy. ✍️📖
20Today we learnt about the global supply chain and the different stages our products take to get to us (the customer). We debated which part of the supply chain was the most important and how fair the pay was. Our class debate was very passionate!