At Smithdown Primary School, through our ethos of ‘Together We Grow’, we aim to develop the whole child to prepare them for the future. Through the teaching of PSHE and RHE we hope to help children to grow up to be healthy, happy safe and able to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain.
We believe in modelling key skills of sharing, turn taking and caring about and respecting others. The children learn the skills for keeping themselves healthy and safe and for behaving well. They have opportunities to show they can take some responsibility for themselves and their environment. The children begin to learn about their own and other people’s feelings and become aware of the views, needs and rights of other children and older people.. As members of a class and school community, they learn social skills such as how to share, take turns, play, help others, resolve simple arguments and behave in a supportive way. They begin to take an active part in the life of their school and its neighbourhood
We also teach Health Relationships Education (HRE) in an age appropriate way that prepares children for the future. As the children move into key stage two, they learn how to make more confident and informed choices about their health and environment. They also learn about themselves as growing and changing individuals with their own experiences and ideas, and as members of their communities. This is achieved both indoors and in the outdoor environment through Forest School activities and placing high value on the role of parents in their children’s learning.
Pleas click on the links below to find out more about our PHSE curriculum.
Detailed information for parents about each unit of work, please click each link to find out more:
1. Knowledge Organiser Being Me in my World
2. Knowledge Organiser Celebrating Differences
3. Knowledge Organiser Dreams and Goals
4. Knowledge Organiser Heathy Me
5. Knowledge Organiser Relationships
6. Knowledge Organiser Changing Me
Relationships Health and Sex Education (RHSE)
Please click here to read the agreed policy along with details of the curriculum content.
Please click here to read about our teaching approach to LBGTQ
Please click her to read about our approach to gender identity
Please click here to read the DFE guidelines regarding RHSE